Lee Cossell & Feagley, LLP

What You Can Do to Pay Your Bills While Your Case is Pending

What You Can Do to Pay Your Bills While Your Case is Pending

If you’ve been seriously injured in an accident, either while behind the wheel or on the job, you’re likely facing a great number of expenses. There’s the cost of your deductible to have repair work done on your car, the cost of copays to visit the doctor, plus the lost income from missing work due to your injuries. These expenses can add up quickly, and leave you wondering how you’ll be able to make ends meet.

Legal claims take time

Hopefully, you made the smart choice to hire an attorney to handle your legal claims stemming from the accident, and perhaps there has already been a lawsuit filed on your behalf which is now moving through the justice system. While your lawyer may be doing everything he or she can to advance your claims, insurance company defense attorneys often employ dilatory tactics to keep your case from advancing toward an award of damages for you. Even when both parties are motivated to move forward, courts are overburdened and understaffed, causing cases to progress slowly. Many plaintiffs with pending personal injury claims find themselves in bad financial position, and there are ways to get help while you wait for a result from your lawsuit.

Medical liens can help you continue to receive treatment

You may have health insurance which covers the majority of the expenses relating to your care, but you may still have high out-of-pocket expenses for your treatment in the form of copays for doctors’ visits and prescriptions. Additionally, some treatments may not be covered by your health insurance provider at all. Medical liens are a way to continue receiving care for your injuries without paying upfront. With a medical lien, your doctor and lawyer create an arrangement whereby your lawyer will agree to pay your doctor directly once your lawsuit settles or results in a verdict in your favor at trial.

Lawsuit funding can make the wait easier

If you’re struggling to meet your day-to-day expenses, the payment of your medical bills alone may not be enough to help you get by. Lawsuit funding loans function as an advance against your eventual award at trial. These loans provide cash for you to use however you need while you wait for your case to conclude. Keep in mind that these loans can come with steep interest rates and fees, so exercise caution and do your research before applying for a lawsuit funding loan.

Get Help Now with Indianapolis Personal Injury Claims

If you are in need of seasoned and compassionate legal help for your Indiana personal injury case, contact the Indianapolis accident injury lawyers at Lee Cossell & Feagley, LLP for a free consultation on your claims, at 317-631-5151.

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